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How will I know what color is which?

During the past few years as we were looking at our filament selection we realized something - we needed a better way to organize and find that perfect filament.

We had hundreds of colors, hues, and finishes. We had sparkly, matte, regular, and silk. We had PLA +, PETG, ASA, and CF. What we didn't know was, which colors were in what material type?

The Benchy Conundrum

We realized we needed a better way to organize. We, like most, started off printing the famous Benchy. You know what happened? We we were buried in benchies! No kidding, we had over 75 printed and no way to organize them in a small space. Sure there are organizers to help keep them together and inline, but even the most conservative ones we saw were going to require an entire roll of filament just to hold 30 - 40 benchies.

Between the cost and time to print a benchy, the storage and organization, and the need to be able to see a large quantity of available colors quickly - we very quickly saw how untenable this was.

The "Code"

This is when we put our heads together and thought of a different solution. Sure, we could do a standard swatch like most printers moved to, adding the filament data directly to using a label. But then we realized, while it will give us an idea of what we are looking at. It won't give us everything.

How old is this printed sample? When was the last time I used it? Could things have changed since the last time I printed with it?

The Solution

What if we had all of that information, digitally? Some place where we could tie together the manufacturer, brand, and color? Some place where we could add the batch information to the spool and track minute color changes over time?

Thats when we had the idea of creating a unique code - and using a QR label attached to each sample to help us identify not only what color it is, but the other details as well. And then we thought - wait a second. If we're encountering this problem, others must be as well.

And thus, 3D Color Hub was born. To provide a service to everyone in the 3D Print community - regardless of being a professional or a hobbyist. A site where you can go to view and order samples of filaments complete with their full information. So no one ever has to order a full roll on a gamble, unless they want to. Always available. Always online. All in one location.

We have over 225 variations available today and adding more weekly. Soon, we hope to add additional services and branch out into other material types as well. So, stay tuned and subscribe to our Facebook page and our blog to stay up to date on everything new!

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